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Member Benefits

  • As a national member of NSBE you are in touch with hundreds of companies, multiple scholarship oppurtunities, and a huge network; from professionals to students just like you. 

  • A a member of our chapter you recieve the same oppurtunites as a national memeber, so that means the huge networking oppurtunities, the scholarships, and the companies. As an addded bonus here within our chapter we will get you in touch with Engineering and Applies Science companies, help you build your network, provide you with tutuoring, and give you a group of people who think just like you and have gone through many of the same struggles. 

Steps to Membership

  • To Become a National NSBE member simply just creat an account on follow the instructions listed on the website. The cost is $15.00 for national dues for the ENTIRE YEAR!!!

  • To Become a member of our chapter just speak to any member on the E-Board and they will make sure that you are signed up and registered as member of WMU's NSBE chapter. The cost if $15.00, with the price increasing by $5.00 every month after the start of the semester (i.e. Jan-$15, Feb-$20, etc.) 



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